spiritual work of original nations

The spiritual work of the Original Nations is just as crucial as the practical efforts in protecting and restoring our planet. Their rituals and ceremonies are, in essence, a technology that helps maintain harmony on Earth and profoundly influences the reality around us.

Spiritual Technology

The Kaggaba people are known for their deep spirituality and ability to influence weather and natural phenomena through their prayers and rituals. One example could be their ability to summon rain during periods of drought. Their spiritual work is based on the principle of reciprocity – giving back to Mother Earth what they receive from her.

Houses of Original Thoughts and Pagamentos

The Kaggaba have special places called “Houses of Original Thoughts” where they gather for their ceremonies and rituals. One of the most important rituals is the “Pagamentos” or “Earth payments.” During these rituals, the Mamos, the spiritual leaders of the Kaggaba, offer sacred objects to Mother Earth and pray for balance and harmony.

Steps Taken So Far

Through our initiatives, we have continuously supported Pagamentos at sacred sites around the world and assisted in establishing 13 Houses of Original Thoughts. We also plan to further support the ceremonial activities of the Kaggaba and other Original Nations, which are essential for restoring spiritual and ecological balance.

Kaggaba’s spiritual work plays a significant role in maintaining the well-being of our planet. By supporting these rituals and ceremonies, we not only help preserve the ancient wisdom but also contribute to the global effort of healing the Earth. Your donation will directly support the Kaggaba in continuing their spiritual work, ensuring that their knowledge and practices are passed down to future generations. 

Watch the original video of Mother Earth’s message:
(Click here for more language options.)

Original video of Mother’s message.
(For more languages click here.)

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